Agency Name: | RawStockPhoto |
Minimum Payout: | €100 |
Payout: | PayPal |
Editorial: | no (will be available in future) |
Images JPG: | yes |
Images Raw: | yes |
Vectors: | yes |
Footage: | no (will be available in future) |
Audio: | no (will be available in future) |
Minimum Res.: | 4.0 MP |
Licenses: | RF |
Compensation: | exclusive images 70% non-exclusive images 45-60% |
Pricing: | €0.80 - €159 |
Referral Program: | (will be available in 2014) |
Upload methods: | Java, FTP |
Currencies: | EURО € |
Languages: | English, Bulgarian (in 2014 will be available Spanish and Russian) |
Headquarters: | |
website traffic: | Alexa, compete, DomainTools |
Facebook: | |
Twitter: | @RawStockPhoto |
Google+: | |
Pinterest: | |
Blog: | |
last update | 11/28/2013 |
About RawStockPhoto
RawStockPhoto is a new Stock Agency for sale of Images and Vector Illustrations. Different about them is that you can upload and sell your Raw Images (such as DNG).
RawStockPhoto has the ambition to become a good global Stock Agency. The Agency looking for new Authors who want to sell their Images and Vectors. Joining conditions are exceptionally good!
RawStockPhoto Website starts a Promotion about Contributors. The first 100 Registered Non Exclusive Contributors who reach 1000 approved files for sale, receive higher Commission rate for the sale of files!
Press Releases and Articles
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