Agency Name: | Foap |
Minimum Payout: | no minimum |
Payout: | request Paypal |
Editorial: | yes |
Images: | yes |
Vectors: | no |
Footage: | no |
Audio: | no |
Minimum Res.: | one side 900px |
Licenses: | RF |
Compensation: | 50% |
Pricing: | $10 |
Referral Program: | invitation via SMS |
Upload methods: | iPhone app |
Currencies: | US$ |
Languages: | English |
Headquarters: | MALMÖ, Sweden |
website traffic: | Alexa, compete, DomainTools, Quarkbase |
Facebook: | |
Twitter: | @foapApp |
Google+: | |
Blog: | |
last update | 11/29/2012 |
About Foap
Foap is a small team based out of Sweden. Their vision is to, with your help, turn Foap into the worlds largest marketplace for smartphone photos. They are turning your best photos, into dollars. This means that you can upload photos through their app, and companies can pay you every time they want to use the photos for commercial or editorial use.
Press Releases and Articles
- 07/12/2012 Foap - Make Money Via your iPhone